Monday, 11 June 2012

It's the smell of wine, It's sweet summertime

Oh summertime, how I love thee; the sunshine, the warm weather, the BBQs, and all the boozing and patio drinking that come with it. A dear friend of mine asked me on Friday “what’s a good low calorie/light beer for the summer?” I thought this was a great question because trying to stay healthy and feel great in your own body this summer doesn’t mean abstaining from all alcohol. While lots of traditional drinks and beers can be extremely calorie dense, I havw outlined some better summer drinking options

1.     Wine- Red and white wines are both great choices for the summer. If you chose to make sangria, make sure to use lots of fresh slices of fruit for added nutrition. To keep the sugar content low, go easy on the fruit juice (use 100% juice) and replace regular Ginger ale/Sprite with diet versions or Perrier/ club soda if avoiding artificial sweeteners.
-Another great option is a white wine spritzer, which is just a combination of white wine and club soda. I like mine with lots of lemon and lime slices,  it’s a great way to stay hydrated while drinking or make the wine taste better if your at a cocktail party and the pinot grigio they are serving is cheap s#%@.

2.     Beer- Regular beer is one of the worst options you can go for. A typical bottle has about 150 calories and most people I know don’t stop at one If you enjoy a crisp beer during a hot summer afternoon, opt for a light beer (Coors light) or better yet, reach for a beer that is both low carb and low calorie.  I like Molson 67 sublime, but most guys I know say it tastes like watery lime and is a “wimpy” beer. If you need a more “manly” option, try Michelob Ultra, PC low carb or Sleeman Clear instead.

3.     Spirits- For people that have celiac disease or other GI sensitivities, clear distilled spirits like Gin, Vodka and White Rum are usually the best options. Mix with club soda/ flavoured perrier and fresh lemon/lime slices to keep calories and sugar low.  Stay away from margaritas, daiquiri and pina coladas to avoid excessive calories and copious amounts of sugar. If you need a little extra flavour, order a vodka soda with a splash of cranberry/orange juice or lemonade and Fresca.  

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